Supporting student well-being

Help us, to help you, to help students!

This page details the support is available to you as a Clinical Educator to help you support students whilst they are on their clinical placements with you.

All students are allocated a visiting tutor who will usually be your first contact for any support you require whilst students are on placements, the student should inform you of their visiting tutor's details on the first day of their placement.

However, some situations require specialist or additional support. For details of resources that you can direct students to please see below.

Connections Matter

Students Welfare Services 

This includes specific support for Mental Health and Counselling:

If you believe you are experiencing distress or difficulties with your mental health and would like to talk to a Counsellor or Mental Health Advisor, please would you email, giving a brief reason for your contact if possible:


The Big White Wall

Free to access if you sign up with your university email address.

It provides 24/7 online peer and professional support with trained counsellors.

More than 75% of users feel better as a result of using the service.​


Coventry University Health and well-being app and Student health app

These apps are both available to download for free from the ITunes App Store (Iphones)or Google Play (Android).


Student perspective of mental well-being on placement

On the Student Voices Page Jane Toms speaks to new graduate Tylah Marston about student mental well-being on placement.

The conversation is designed to give a student perspective and includes discussion about mental health ‘pinch-points’, signs of mental health issues, strategies and University support.

(Click on the title to be taken to the page and scroll down)


Physiotherapy students’ experiences of patient death on clinical placement

This resource will be useful for educators to support students who experience death of a patient on placement. This is an area students have reported to us that they require additional support. Please also see student voices video for more information on this topic (pending).



All students have a personal tutor who they should also be encouraged to contact if they are having difficulty on placements. 

This is just a brief introduction to some of the support available, full details are accessible to students via their student portal. If you have any concerns you do not feel are answered using the above resources please get in touch with the and we will support you to direct students to a wider range of resources.


Summary of support available

