Student Voices

Students were keen to share their perspectives on support on practice placements.

This page provides a platform for students to share experiences and advise upon practice placements.

Coventry University believes in inclusive education so we began by creating videos of students discussing areas they felt needed wider representation, we hope to continue to gather experiences and create further resources in the future.

Please get in touch to suggest further ideas for student voices and/or comment on this on the evaluation questionnaire.

Supporting International Students 

Anica, an international student from Hong Kong, discusses her experiences of her first clinical placement and gives advice on how to support international students.

Supporting black and minority students on placements (a students experience)

Farouk Bello, a recent Coventry University Physiotherapy graduate, discusses his experiences of clinical placement. He also shares ideas about how support whilst at university and access to Physiotherapy courses can be improved for black and minority ethnic students.

Click on this link to view the video

For more information about Farouk or to get in touch with him please check out his website and podcast

One of the resources discussed in the video is the network @culturalhealthclub

Supporting students to support LGBTIQ+ Patients

Rae Lloyd, a recent Coventry University Graduate, has carried out research regarding students' experiences of supporting LGBTIQ+ patients and discusses how to support both patients and students.

Video link

Rae has provided a list of resources for further information to support LGBTIQ+ patients

Age UK (2020), Transgender issues and later life, [online], available from <>
GIRES, Department of Health Literature Project [online], available from <>
Lewis, Vincent, Brett, Walsh (2017) 'I am your trans patient', [online] BMJ,2017;357:j2963. Available from <>
Stonewall, Best practice, toolkits and resources, [online], available from <>
Transgender Pelvic Health Initiative, Trans Health Resources, [online], available from <>
World Professional Association for Transgender Health, Standards of Care volume 7, [online], available from <>

A student perspective on discussing Anxiety with clinical educators and the impact of Covid-19

Fran Page, a second year Physiotherapy student, discusses her experience of talking to her clinical educator about having anxiety and OCD. We also discuss the impact Covid-19 has had on the course.

This short video contains information that would be useful for all educators as she gives advice about how to create an environment where students feel safe to disclose their concerns.

Student perspective of mental well-being on placement

Jane Toms speaks to new graduate Tylah Marston about student mental well-being on placement.

The conversation is designed to give a student perspective and includes discussion about mental health ‘pinch-points’, signs of mental health issues, strategies and University support.

We would also like to encourage you to explore the Connections Matter resource to learn about all the support available to students

Exploring the undergraduate experience of clinical placement in women's health

Sundeep Watkins (Assistant Professor) talks to Sabrina Chang Ming about her experiences of a Women's Health Placement and her dissertation exploring this topic.

They highlight how educators can support undergraduates to make the most of the opportunity to work in this specialist area.

Video coming soon
