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testWelcome to Coventry University's Physiotherapy Practice Education website

This website is available for you to access a range of resources written by Staff and Students from Coventry University's Physiotherapy Department.

We have created videos and documents on a range of topics, some will be of particular use if you are new to practice education at Coventry University, others are designed to help you whilst you have students on placement, no matter your level of experience.

Start on the Practice Education page, we suggest new clinical educators work through all of the resources on this page, starting with the Course Overview.

Educators who are experienced at Coventry University will also find the Course Overview a good starting point to ensure they are familiar with any changes. You can then explore which areas you feel are most relevant to you.

We hope you will be able to explore the resources to create a practice education programme that is bespoke to your needs.

If you have any questions you would like to ask directly please get in touch - see the 'contact us' page for details.
